History of Lead-Free Indy
Our work, which has emerged as Lead-Free Indy, began when MCPHD and IUI staff participated in the year-long training through the National Leadership Academy for the Public’s Health (NLAPH) in 2023. NLAPH works with local, state, and national leaders to address pressing public health issues. NLAPH trains four-person multi-sector teams from across the country to advance leadership skills and achieve health equity in their communities. Groups develop teamwork and communication skills while working on a priority issue. In Indianapolis, that issue is the prevention of childhood lead poisoning.
Thus, Indianapolis became part of the CDC’s Lead-Free Communities initiative.
How Lead-Free Indy is Addressing Lead Poisoning!
The LeadADVISOR: An Easy-to-Use Lead Registry
Lead-Free Indy recognized that Marion County residents could not easily find out if their home or rental had a history of lead contamination, even though that information was freely available through the MCPHD.
Working with Plow Digital, a software development agency, the team created the LeadADVISOR, an AI-driven resource that allows users easy access to past MCPHD Lead Inspection records as well as general information about lead.
Even though the system is AI-driven, the content is carefully curated to ensure accurate and timely information for users. Visit the LeadADVISOR at Mission Unleaded to check out the system.
Already, the LeadADVISOR, is poised to be a game-changer in public health. This tool gives residents knowledge and resources to act on environmental lead hazards so that they can demand lead-safe housing.
To learn more about Lead-Free Indy, or to join the collaboration, contact leadsafe@marionhealth.org or cuh@iu.edu. Or better yet, check out the LeadADVISOR and ask it a question!
See below for an example of the LeadADVISOR Chat Screen
Lead-Free Indy Media Coverage
- Indianapolis Recorder
- WISH TV News
- Mirror Indy